Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Since being home and using Pinterest (a great thing) I have come up with some things for Mattingly to do so we don't hurt each other! We usually watch a show until 8:30 then get dressed for school. Then we do a few projects, read, have a snack, go outside, have lunch and a nap. Then usually 1-2 days we go out somewhere. Grandma's, the park, play date, grocery store-anything out of the house. Mattingly enjoys these projects. He says "So what are we going to make today?" I was also able to take a lot of craft things from the daycare when they closed which has been great!


Unknown said...

so fun! WIsh we could do messy projects together! When we come in June. ;) He's like he crafty cousin!

Unknown said...

so fun! WIsh we could do messy projects together! When we come in June. ;) He's like he crafty cousin!

JRDisch said...

Cute, keep taking advantage of him saying "So, what are we going to make today?!"