Saturday, January 23, 2010

My Googs

is getting so big! He surprises me everyday with something new that he can do. Today he was pointing out shapes to me. And repeating them. Obviously not clearly but you could get the jist of the word. I couldn't believe he knew which was which. He started pointing to the animals too if you ask him where they are. I love it. He loves puzzles too! He is really good at the ones he has. Those are just the ones you put in the correct spot, not connecting them but he is starting to try to put together his train set. He'll take it apart and try to do it again.

He is back on a kick of not eating much. Or not much one day and then the next day at one meal he'll eat a lot! Still has been waking up since the beginning of Nov! Sometimes he'll wake up and drink an entire sippy. He's become a little easier to sleep with now at least. =) Papa bought a duck pillow pet for him that we saw at the mall. I thought it would help....actually Thursday morning I had to open at work and so Mattingly had to wake up early and (he managed to stay in his bed all night, of course) I found him laying on top of the soft ducky. It was so cute. I took a picture and just before he opened his eyes.

He still has his pacifier! haha Yup I'm a bad mom according to some people. I guess I will know better with the next one. Oh well. He's been off his bottle since he's been a year and there are some kids at the daycare his age who still have one so I guess there's always something....

Until next time....


Lisa said...

Now that I am a mom, I do not judge other moms! Who is to say you have to do something at a certain time, how, when , and where...
still, I do always wonder what the other person is thinking...just have to remember I am doing the best I can for my child. :-)
Your googs is too cute!

Osterhouts said...

shut up you're not a bad mom! don't a lot of kids have their pacifiers until they're 2 or so? give yourself a break! cute pics :)