we went to my parent's house in the morning for brunch and presents. E3 was there and my aunt flew in from Wisconsin. Santa even visited. Mattingly was not a big fan of him. He was grabbing on tight and shaking. I was impressed with Eleanor. She was fine. Although later when asked if she wanted Santa to come back she said she wanted to take a nap! Silly girl. Ella was the official unwrapper helper and was really excited if the gift was for her. Mattingly and Ella had some disputes with the toys but nothing major. Mattingly wanted to color with her cupcake kit markers and stole all of the cookies in her cookie set. Ella listened to her mom and just let him play with them. We wished Joel and Katy could have joined us. Hopefully next year. After the Dischinger Christmas we headed over to Mark's brother's house where his parent's brother and wife and her father and brother were. We opened some more gifts and ate some more yummy food. Mattingly has been well entertained lately with all of the gifts which is good. =) Thank you all! It was a long day but we survived. I'm hoping we won't have to do 2 houses much longer.
We are doing Christmas the weekend after Christmas in Chicago next year so start saving your money! Cute pictures.
is he crying in those pictures cuz he got clothes? lol
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