He is back on a kick of not eating much. Or not much one day and then the next day at one meal he'll eat a lot! Still has been waking up since the beginning of Nov! Sometimes he'll wake up and drink an entire sippy. He's become a little easier to sleep with now at least. =) Papa bought a duck pillow pet for him that we saw at the mall. I thought it would help....actually Thursday morning I had to open at work and so Mattingly had to wake up early and (he managed to stay in his bed all night, of course) I found him laying on top of the soft ducky. It was so cute. I took a picture and just before he opened his eyes.

He still has his pacifier! haha Yup I'm a bad mom according to some people. I guess I will know better with the next one. Oh well. He's been off his bottle since he's been a year and there are some kids at the daycare his age who still have one so I guess there's always something....
Until next time....