Saturday, January 23, 2010

My Googs

is getting so big! He surprises me everyday with something new that he can do. Today he was pointing out shapes to me. And repeating them. Obviously not clearly but you could get the jist of the word. I couldn't believe he knew which was which. He started pointing to the animals too if you ask him where they are. I love it. He loves puzzles too! He is really good at the ones he has. Those are just the ones you put in the correct spot, not connecting them but he is starting to try to put together his train set. He'll take it apart and try to do it again.

He is back on a kick of not eating much. Or not much one day and then the next day at one meal he'll eat a lot! Still has been waking up since the beginning of Nov! Sometimes he'll wake up and drink an entire sippy. He's become a little easier to sleep with now at least. =) Papa bought a duck pillow pet for him that we saw at the mall. I thought it would help....actually Thursday morning I had to open at work and so Mattingly had to wake up early and (he managed to stay in his bed all night, of course) I found him laying on top of the soft ducky. It was so cute. I took a picture and just before he opened his eyes.

He still has his pacifier! haha Yup I'm a bad mom according to some people. I guess I will know better with the next one. Oh well. He's been off his bottle since he's been a year and there are some kids at the daycare his age who still have one so I guess there's always something....

Until next time....

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Mattingly and I and one of my friends took a trip to the Imagination Museum in Bristol on Saturday. My mother in law gave us a membership to use which gets us into a bunch of different museums so I decided to try this place out. It was overwhelming I think. He likes watching other people so he wasn't into doing too much. He liked the water table and then hair dyers holding up the ping pongs balls the best. Cousin Ella would have helped get him interested. When she visits this summer we'll have to go again! In the meantime we'll check out the other places too. =)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Disney's Princesses on Ice!

So I don't make new year's resolutions EVER! But this year I decided I would. And it is to take Mattingly to new and fun places and cut back on the shopping! This weekend I didn't have anything in mind. I had plans to have breakfast with some friends, visit my parents and then hang out with Laura. She suggested the Disney Princesses (is that right?) on Ice. I figured why not? He doesn't know who they are but we'll give it a shot. Well he had a good time. He sat soooooo good through the entire show!! Toward the end he was even clapping and dancing. When Mickey came out he was excited too. Next time someone comes around he knows I will definitely take him!

Little Man

I went to change my clothes Friday after we got home from work/school and visiting grandma and Mattingly was sitting next to the stove "reading" the Kids Directory booklet on what's happening around town in January. I usually stand or sit there so I guess he's picked up on it. haha

Mini quad, trampoline and slide!

One of Mattingly's Christmas presents from us was a mini quad. A few weeks ago when it was 50 degrees out I decided it was perfect to take him out on it. He didn't quite get the concept of if he holds the button down he'll keep moving instead of pushing it and letting go quick. A few times he was able to do it and he thought it was so funny. He also brought his cell along for the ride incase anyone called!

One of Mattingly's great aunts and some 2nd cousins gave him a mini trampoline. He enjoys that from time to time. I'm sure as he gets older he'll like it even more! And then another great aunt and 2nd cousin gave him a mini slide. (I'm not sure if they know how big our house is) He likes standing up on that and trying to walk down. It's a little small for that. Plus he fell back one week and got a "boo boo".

Friday, January 1, 2010

Christmas Day

we went to my parent's house in the morning for brunch and presents. E3 was there and my aunt flew in from Wisconsin. Santa even visited. Mattingly was not a big fan of him. He was grabbing on tight and shaking. I was impressed with Eleanor. She was fine. Although later when asked if she wanted Santa to come back she said she wanted to take a nap! Silly girl. Ella was the official unwrapper helper and was really excited if the gift was for her. Mattingly and Ella had some disputes with the toys but nothing major. Mattingly wanted to color with her cupcake kit markers and stole all of the cookies in her cookie set. Ella listened to her mom and just let him play with them. We wished Joel and Katy could have joined us. Hopefully next year. After the Dischinger Christmas we headed over to Mark's brother's house where his parent's brother and wife and her father and brother were. We opened some more gifts and ate some more yummy food. Mattingly has been well entertained lately with all of the gifts which is good. =) Thank you all! It was a long day but we survived. I'm hoping we won't have to do 2 houses much longer.