Sunday, August 26, 2012

Daddy's Birthday

Two weeks ago was Mark's birthday. I wanted to do something so I decided we'd do a little surprise party at one of his favorite restaurants. Saybrook Fish House. He was completely surprised which was fun! I told him Laura and Jesse just got back from their honeymoon and wanted to go out to eat. (even though they were still on their honeymoon) Mark's cousin Tracy came over the day before to help me with an idea I found on pinterest. To make cupcakes into the shape of a baseball glove. It came out cute. It was a well deserved nice time for Mark. Oh and I had to keep it a surprise from Mattingly too b/c I thought he might slip so he was a little disappointed when he didn't see Jesse but Oneal made up for it. (PS. It was Mark's 40th)

1 comment:

Emily said...

I wanted to know about this! That is so cute! really nice--those cupcakes turned out so good! I thought it was professional. Good job! Glad you were able to keep it a secret! WHICH REMINDS ME! I DIDN'T GET ANYTHING FOR MARK FOR HIS BIRTHDAY! PLEASE TELL ME THESE THINGS! OH MY GOSH! You are to call me tomorrow and tell me what to get! OH MY GOSH! That dvd. Shoot. please call me.