My little love is now 3 years old! I can't believe it! How much he has grown even in just a year. He's a little smarty pants and alec! Definitely keeps us on our toes! He loves music-dancing, singing or playing his guitar; he loves playing ball-baseball, soccer, football, kickball. He still doesn't really eat meat much. Maybe a few bites of a burger. No veggies unless it's carrots with dip but enjoys fruits. He has a huge sweet tooth!! Ice cream, cake, cookies, candy and the list goes on. He'd much rather snack like his father than eat a meal. Because of all this he takes 2 vitamins a night. Nothing much happening with peeing in the potty but I'm hoping the move to pre school is going to help! He has gone twice but doesn't regularly sit on the potty despite me buying a Dora seat cover. He's very full of life and personality. I love it most days. But days like today where my allergies are bothering me, Mark is working late, I'm hungry, tired and pregnant, I just wanna watch TV. We played for a while outside until a tick crawled on him. That convinced him to come in and take a bath! =)
For his 3rd birthday we had a little bash at Grandma and Grandpa Fitch's house at the beach. He had been looking forward to his birthday since mine at the end of March. He loved every minute. I bought "Toy Story" plates, napkins, cups and he had the Buzz shirt on and opened an abundance of "Toy Story" presents. He also had cupcakes with the characters on them. It was a beautiful day for a party! (I need to a add a few more pictures)
Please change the green color - I can't read the words!
cute! Good shots of him with the grandparents and he has a sweet tooth like his cousins. :) Can't wait to see you Mattingly!
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