My friend bought Mattingly this little crab pool with a shade for him to play in for his birthday. You can hook it up to the hose and it will have a little sprinkler but I just put it on the deck and fill it with a little water and some bath toys for him to play in. It's perfect. He splashed a little and throws the toys in for a little bit and then will eventually dive in. He doesn't stay in though. He constantly gets in and out. He likes cooling off with mom's coffee too. He says it's good and calls it "Mattingly's coff". He's a trip. In fact my friend Laura visited today with her boyfriend Jesse and he told me that Jesse wanted a popsicle and coffee. Crazy kid.
how come Melky isn't in the pool as well??lol
how come Melky isn't in the pool as well??lol
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