Super Why was going to be at the Rock Cats game Sunday so I thought it would be fun to go see him. (It is a TV show on PBS, Super Why is also a character.) It wasn't a very nice day out but we went. Mattingly didn't like Super Why. :( He got a free kitty webkinz that he did like. We walked around and then I spotted the kids fun zone area where a bunch of the mascots and Super Why was. Mattingly held on tight to me and Mark near them. He would wave though if we asked him too. haha Friendly's was there giving away ice cream cones for the kids so I got one for Mattingly. He really enjoyed that. We missed out on the t-shirts and popcorn. Next time we know to head over there first. A woman then read a story with Super Why and it was game time. The rain held off until the start of the game. We sat in it for about an hour and then it started coming down hard so we left.
Looked nice! Still raining in CT huh? Why so much rain this summer? Are you setting a record? Mattingly is so cute!
That's really fun! Wish we all could have gone. Eleanor would have liked seeing Superwhy from a distance. :) but definitely the ice-cream. :)
see you soon!
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