Friday, July 3, 2009


The hives are pretty much gone. Now they just come and go throughout the day. I don't get it. And of course the scattered brain mother that I am meant to call the doctor yesterday and today and didn't. Maybe by Monday he'll be fine. :) He seems that when he's active, sad, hot, and just after he eats they pop up. That takes care of it all but sleep I guess huh? haha Oh well at least he looks better! Now he's started a new thing where he doesn't want to be away from me. I went out to eat with Em and her mom and sister and he wouldn't go to any of them even with me sitting right there. Little turkey. He was happy to eat all of my fries though.

1 comment:

julie smith said...

That's so scarey! Glad to hear he's doing better. I can't believe how big he is, isn't he just so much fun and it just keeps getting better!