Laura and Jesse picked me and Mattingly up and all the 4 of us went to Misquamicut for the day yesterday. I wasn't sure how Mattingly would do seeing as how he didn't like the beach a few weeks ago, but he was fine. He put his feet right on the sand and started playing with it. We took him to the water and he wasn't shaking like last time. He stood there and let the water touch him for a few minutes. Then he wasn't too happy and wanted to get out. He only napped on the way to and from the beach which I figured would happen. He acted like he was going to nap; he'd lay on my lap or on Laura's back, but nope.
Mark decided to give Mattingly a haircut tonight. I agreed. I didn't think it would be this short, but it's cute. He looks definitely like a toddler now! :( No more baby.
Em gave Mattingly a blow up water activity mat that also sprays water. It's a pain to blow up, but it's cute. I was home resting on Friday b/c I was so sore all week and had a sore throat. I took Mattingly to daycare for a few hours and when we got home it was so nice I decided to try it with him. He didn't like it at all. Same thing as the beach, holding his legs up. So he basically sat on the slide the whole time and watched the water. Well I tried it again Saturday. This time I put him in the warm water that was in it already and slowly turned the water on. Then he had fun splashing. The water was frigid but he liked it.
We went to Mark's family's beach house last Sunday for a picnic. We sat on the beach for a little bit first. Mattingly was not too keen on the sand or the water. He kept holding his legs up when you put him down to stand. Mark held him while in the water and he'd looked a little afraid but wave. We eventually got him to stand in the sand for a minute other than that he sat on my lap. Then we went to visit Em and Brian who were at the same beach. :) Mattingly napped on the way back in the stroller and then we ate. Too bad we weren't able to stay longer. I had to grocery shop before and get Mattingly to bed later so it was a short visit. Hopefully more to come if we ever stop getting sick now that it has finally stopped raining! Oh ya; the first picture you can kinda see some small hives still which disappeared after I took him back to the doctor on Monday about them. Guess it took extra long for him to get it out of his system. (for some reason he likes putting wipes on his head)
The hives are pretty much gone. Now they just come and go throughout the day. I don't get it. And of course the scattered brain mother that I am meant to call the doctor yesterday and today and didn't. Maybe by Monday he'll be fine. :) He seems that when he's active, sad, hot, and just after he eats they pop up. That takes care of it all but sleep I guess huh? haha Oh well at least he looks better! Now he's started a new thing where he doesn't want to be away from me. I went out to eat with Em and her mom and sister and he wouldn't go to any of them even with me sitting right there. Little turkey. He was happy to eat all of my fries though.