Saturday, June 9, 2012

4 years old!

How is it possible that Mattingly is now a 4 year old?! WOW! We celebrated by getting a Happy Meal and meeting his cousin Lleyton and grandma at Kid City. Later he enjoyed some ice cream cake. The next day he started Ninja Nastics where he played shy and cried when it was time to start. So Myla and I went with him. He warmed up towards the end of the first 1/2hr of the ninja part and was ready to go for gymnastics. He didn't want to do the rope swing but other than that he did a great job. Here's hoping next week he can venture on his own. (There was only 1 other little boy, which was nice) In the Fall Mattingly will do a preschool program 3 days a week which I'm sure will also take some time for him to get used to. But I know he will enjoy time to meet new friends and be away from me. I will also enjoy the time! What else...he can be a very sweet boy and also very stubborn and angry. I have to admit some of that probably is because of the TV. He likes to see me dressed up and will call me "beautiful" as well as saying Myla is "so cute" or he wants to "squeeze her cheeks". He is a junk food junkie with a capital J!!! He will snack on stuff all day long and never eat a single meal or thing good for him. He enjoys getting up before me and helping himself to whatever is in the freezer or cabinets and then hiding the left overs under a blanket on the couch. Therefore, our couch is pretty much trashed. He is growing up so much!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Warm day

One day last week we ventured to the beach alone. It was a lot of work. I had a big bag of stuff, the tent, and the wagon to pull. The tent was blowing around so we walked back to get the umbrella at grandma's. After seeing it I decided it'd be too much to take all of it back. We survived but next time I'll have to take the car if I'm alone.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Birthday Party

Saturday we had a family birthday party for Mattingly at the beach. Unfortunately the weather was uncooperative until 5pm when we were leaving. It was a Spiderman mostly theme this year. I did throw in a little Batman for his cake b/c I bought a Batman cape and mask for him since that is usually who he pretends to be. They weren't selling Batman decor otherwise I would have brought some of each. Wonder what next years theme will be. As you can see he also got a few Spiderman gifts. Next year will start the "friend" party I suppose.

Shaving cream

I finally bought some shaving cream for Mattingly to play in. He was hesitant and first and asked if he could mix the colors (he's used to me saying not to mix the paint or play dough) but then he was gung ho and made a big mess.

Memorial Day weekend

Saturday was Mattingly's best buddy Jake's 4th birthday party and Bounce U. Mattingly had fun running around with Jake and sliding down the giant slide. Sunday Mattingly spent the day with grandma and grandpa while I had my friend's bridal shower. He went to a parade with grandpa while Myla napped with grandma. He enjoyed a Sponge Bob popsicle. We had dinner outside and then slept over since we were headed to another parade in Wallingford with Payton (who ended up sick). We waited about 45 min for the parade which was over in about 15min. Oh well. Back to grandma's we went to swing and cool off in the pool.

Baking and Ball

We made little elephants one day using biscuits cut up, raisins and cinnamon and sugar. They were really cute and edible. Another day we sat in a sort of circle and rolled the ball to each other which of course ended up in Mattingly doting over Myla!