Sorry it's not that clear. I have to use our other video camera!
We went to Ray of Light Farm in East Haddam yesterday for their Easter egg hunt. It was a lot more organized and fun this year but still FREEZING cold! Mattingly wanted to collect all of the big eggs but I told him he had to leave some for the other kids. When he filled up his egg carton he was able to collect a little prize. He chose dog stickers. They had an egg toss, and decorate a visor and the egg on a spoon walk but Mattingly didn't really want to do that. Maybe next year. We were going to on a hayride but then it started to sprinkle. Hopefully the sun will be out next year!
Mattingly and I went out to eat with my parents on my big 30th birthday. Mattingly dug into my chocolate mousse and liked taking pictures so here's one of me on my birthday.