with Grace and Payton. A few weeks ago we went to Lisa's house with Em and Payton so the 3 of them could play together. They all kind of played separate unless Mattingly was telling them what to do. He liked teasing their dog of course. It was fun to watch them. I can't wait for them to grow up together! Grace is in the picture, Payton was leaving and didn't want to be in it.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Play date
with Grace and Payton. A few weeks ago we went to Lisa's house with Em and Payton so the 3 of them could play together. They all kind of played separate unless Mattingly was telling them what to do. He liked teasing their dog of course. It was fun to watch them. I can't wait for them to grow up together! Grace is in the picture, Payton was leaving and didn't want to be in it.
Essex Boat Parade
November 27th we went to Essex to watch a parade of old cars, then had a little carol sing and walked down to the water to see a boat parade. Santa arrived on the last boat and sat in his sleigh for the kids to sit and talk to him. Mattingly waved but didn't want to talk to him. Which was fine because the line was so long. Next year we'll know to get in line earlier and to get to the water earlier to get a better view of the boats. Mattingly, Myla and I went with Grandma and Grandpa Fitch. After that we went into the museum to look at the train display.

Monday, November 28, 2011
Silly Boy
Llyeton's Christening
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Not much
going on really. Mattingly has been home pretty much driving me nuts. He doesn't want to do anything I suggest and sometimes it's not worth the aggravation to me so he just watches TV. If we play something he seems to get bored fast. He plays longer alone. For example when he gets up in the morning he usually gets some toys and plays or colors and then after a little while comes in my room to ask for breakfast. He is still rough with Myla. It's not sinking in that he can't jump near her or kiss her lips or pick her up or shake her legs. I guess she's only getting bigger though and she'll fight back at some point. I know he loves her a lot which is why he's doing it but it gets to be a bit much at times. Time to get him enrolled in a weekend program. He has gone to Mark's mom's once and day care once so far which was nice. Only 6 weeks more weeks. haha Then I will complain I never see him. No balance.
Quotes from Mattingly
"Myla I'm so proud of you for pooping (farting) on Mommy because she gets mad."
"I tried to give her her paci but she won't take it. I can't take it anymore. This is not a game."
"Melkyyyy don't even do it."
A conversation to himself, but I think it was with me. "Why do you ask me so many questions, Why do you ask ME so many questions? (said a few times) Why do you bring so many toys in the car? B/c I'm a kid that's why."
This kid kills me!
"I tried to give her her paci but she won't take it. I can't take it anymore. This is not a game."
"Melkyyyy don't even do it."
A conversation to himself, but I think it was with me. "Why do you ask me so many questions, Why do you ask ME so many questions? (said a few times) Why do you bring so many toys in the car? B/c I'm a kid that's why."
This kid kills me!
Friday, November 11, 2011
Butterfly Garden/Yankee Candle
Monday we took an adventure with my mom to the Butterfly Garden and Yankee Candle. It was a beautiful day! It was rather warm in with the butterflies but it was neat to see all the different kinds flying around. Lots landed on my mom and a few landed on me quick, one landed on Mattingly's head quick too. He didn't like it so he kept saying "Let's get outta here." He seemed to be more interested in the few birds there than the butterflies. He was really good though even at Yankee Candle. He rode on the cart and asked lots of questions about what he saw. He shook Santa's hand too! (he didn't know it was him though b/c he was in overalls and a red shirt) He even met Mrs. Clause. It was fun to do something different.
Not much was going on this year on Halloween b/c of the snow and power outages but we found out Essex was having a parade. Mark took Mattingly and cousin Lleyton came with Uncle Steve and Aunt Rachel while mom stayed at grandma's with Myla. Mattingly originally wanted to be Spiderman. I took him to the store to buy and when he saw the costume he changed his mind and wanted to be Captain America. And that was that.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Big Brother
Mattingly is officially a big brother! On October 8 baby sister Myla was born! After a day at Rose's Berry Farm he played at home for a little bit and was off to "daddy's grandma's"(workin on that) house to spend the next 2 nights. He came to the hospital to visit in the morning. He wasn't exactly sure about Myla but he jumped up on my bed with me and wanted to hold her. Since we've been home he's been both a help and a pain. He wants to hold her but of course she's always sleeping, he does throw away her dirty diapers and wants to change them (maybe in a few months). He's also taken a big step and is doing his best to sleep in his own bed at night. Yes, he had been sleeping with me and Mark. He simply cannot wait until she can play. He puts his toys on her in the crib or in the bouncy seat with her. You have to keep both eyes on that kid! haha It's certainly been a lot for me to handle. My mom has been over to at least help with housework since Mattinlgy doesn't really want to play with her much. He does like attention from my friends though!
Monday, October 17, 2011
Rose's Berry Farm
Last Saturday(the 8th) I decided I wanted to take Mattingly on a hayride b/c who knew when I'd have another chance being 40 weeks pregnant. And it was such a beautiful day! Brittany came with us last minute and we headed to Rose's Berry Farm in Glastonbury. We sat down to eat an apple cider donut and drink some apple cider first. (Roger's Orchard has better stuff) The bees were crazy so we headed out on the hay ride. Mattingly didn't want to go at first b/c there was a man dressed as a scarecrow that he saw hop on with the people. But he only rode the last few seconds. I convinced him to get on and we went on a bumpy ride to the corn maze. That was pretty boring and we could hear mice squeaking. We could have picked a pumpkin but we already had some so we headed back. Mattingly still won't get his face painted and he only with a little coaxing would stick his head in the empty holes with the picture of different things. Oh and he wouldn't pose in front of the corn or any signs so he took pictures of me and Britt.
Durham Fair
We had to park at Tilcon in Wallingford and I had to push the stroller over all these rocks to get to the bus; 38 weeks pregnant!

Mattingly and my big pregnant self trekked it to the Durham Fair (Sept.25 I think) I really wanted to go and eat a fried something and the past 2 years we have gone with Tracy and Oneal so we went with them again. It was the HOTTEST day ever!!! Well humid I should say. We did lots of walking. Mattingly didn't want to go on rides or really do much except look at the animals. He really enjoyed the baby chicks. We didn't eat a whole lot. A chocolate covered banana, coconut gelato, frozen lemonade, water, a fried twinkie and popcorn. I didn't feel like eating much being so hot and the stuff I did was all junk food. It was still a nice time. (on a side note it seems like whenever Tracy and I go to the fairs it's really hot and when we go to Yankee games it rains)
Mattingly and my big pregnant self trekked it to the Durham Fair (Sept.25 I think) I really wanted to go and eat a fried something and the past 2 years we have gone with Tracy and Oneal so we went with them again. It was the HOTTEST day ever!!! Well humid I should say. We did lots of walking. Mattingly didn't want to go on rides or really do much except look at the animals. He really enjoyed the baby chicks. We didn't eat a whole lot. A chocolate covered banana, coconut gelato, frozen lemonade, water, a fried twinkie and popcorn. I didn't feel like eating much being so hot and the stuff I did was all junk food. It was still a nice time. (on a side note it seems like whenever Tracy and I go to the fairs it's really hot and when we go to Yankee games it rains)
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Rock Cats
A few weeks ago we went to see a Rock Cats game with kids from daycare. Mattingly's buddy Jake went so we of course had to sit next to him. Mattingly was much more in to the game than Jake but they still managed to bother each other. Jake asked Mattingly if he wanted a claw b/c his mom was buying one for him. So they both got claws and cotton candy in which neither one ate. It was a hot day. We went again on Labor Day with my parents and Brittany and her husband. Another hot day! (no pictures from that day)
Pierson Park
This morning we ventured out to Pierson Park in Cromwell to meet my friend Danielle and her little girl Madison. She is going to be 2 in Nov. It was an absolutely gorgeous morning!! They had fun running around chasing each other and Mattingly played big brother and helped Madison sit and they went down the slide together. It was so cute. They kept calling each other when the other one wasn't around. It's fun to have playdates as these little ones get older.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Hurricane Irene that turned into a Tropical Storm
Last Sunday the storm came and went. It left us with a bunch of leaves and twigs and no electricity. It went out at 6:30am so it was a pretty long day with a 3 yr old. My mom called around 5:30pm to say their power was back on. It took all of 15 minutes for me to call her back to say Mattingly and I were coming over. We got there around 7pm and drove around to find a McDonald's. I should say on the way I had to turn around once and go another way and then go under 3 or 4 trees that took down power lines. Someone cut half of the tree down so you could pass through. Kinda scary. My work didn't have power Monday or Tuesday so we got those days off which was fabulous. Mattingly and I took lots of walks and bike rides around Elim Park. Wed I returned to work and that night at 2:30am our power was turned on. We spent 4 nights at Grandma and Papa's with the ducks and the turtles house. It was fabulous! We returned home Thursday afternoon to a stuffy, dirty house. But hey the power was back on. That night we went out for dinner in which Mattingly has a hard time doing these days. He has to be up and moving around or crawling under the table. He doesn't sit still. I did take a few pictures one of the days last week but it was with my parent's camera....another hurricane is in the works and has the same path as Irene did. Let's hope it takes a turn. I can't handle another especially right after one!
Monday, August 22, 2011
Potty Training
started this past weekend! I decided what better weekend than this one to start the underwear?! Mattingly woke up dry and was getting embarassed to change his pull up at school so I figure I'd give it a go ahead. He has been doing awesome! He tells me when he has to go and goes in his little potty and will sometimes dump it into the big potty to flush it. We have even been out to eat, at stores and the Rock Cats game yesterday and he used the potty at all the places. I'm sooo proud of him! Not too sure about the pooping b/c he didn't have to go all weekend and then today he was at my mom's but hopefully if he's home he'll feel comfortable enough to use his potty at least! Just like the hesitation with taking the pacifier....this is a better experience than I thought it would be. =)
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Buttonwood Sunflower Farm
I have always wanted to go to a field of sunflowers and today my dream came true! Residents at my dad's work went to this farm this past week and my mom told me about it so I checked it out and decided it would be fun. I had planned on going to Lyman Orchard's sunflower maze but this was even better. Acres of sunflowers, $5 boquets and hayrides and yummy ice cream! I loved it. Mattingly rested on the way since it's about an hour away and was so good standing in the line for the hay ride. He enjoyed looking at and feeding the cows and standing in the warm sun taking pictures. He was rewarded with some chocolate chip ice cream. Laura and Jesse and my parents met us and Brittany there. I will definitely be back next year and maybe I'll go back in the Fall for the corn maze. Em (sister) I think you would have really liked it there....some other year.
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