Mattingly had his birthday party today! I'm so glad the weather was so nice! We started the day with some cleaning and then a quick trip to the store to buy a balloon followed by a nap in the car. Then it was lunchtime and people were arriving. We had mainly family with a few friends. Mattingly did really well with everyone. He's such a trooper. It was a monkey themed party so I had the plates and cups and napkins and then an inflatable monkey, a sign and stuffed animal. Of course a shirt and bib as well oh and the cake! A girl from work made it; it was soooo cute! And Mattinlgy enjoyed it. We sang to him and he dipped his finger in the frosting and when I took he away he looked at me like where are you going?? He is taking many steps now all over the house and gets very excited while doing it. He will eat almost anything you give him and now says "uh oh" and "laura". He waves to everyone he sees; especially if you wave to him. I can't believe that Thursday is one year ago that he was born!